Kathia Sandoval

Events Coordinator

Kathia Del Carmen Sandoval joins the T.D. Jakes Foundation as the Events Coordinator. She was raised in a small town in Mexico called Ahualulco, located an hour from San Luis Potosí. Kathia is the daughter of a single immigrant mother who had a dream for a better future. She grew up with the mentality that we must remind ourselves it’s a privilege to be here and to honor our family’s sacrifices.

Her way of doing so was by excelling in school and helping her mother in any possible way she could. Humility, along with perseverance, has been the biggest driving force in her life, pushing her to do better for her mother and grandparents. She became the head of the household at a very young age and was determined to earn a degree from a university.

Kathia is a proud Texas Woman’s University graduate with a Bachelor of Science. Her journey was filled with backroads, sacrifices, and putting her dreams on pause to keep her family afloat. Yet, although the wait was long, her experience as an Events Coordinator at TopGolf was just a stepping stone that helped her land where she was meant to be—helping under-resourced communities and groups in need, just like hers once was.

She is passionate about advocating for those whose futures society has already tried to determine based on where they come from. She is dedicated to supporting their journey to a better future. Kathia is proud to be part of something that is creating a ripple effect across generations, giving others a chance to dream again and achieve beyond what they ever thought possible. She is honored to be part of the T.D. Jakes Foundation and grateful for the privilege of being a resource for those searching for hope.